I love this blog and have been hooked since I came across it. MckMama is waiting for her miracle Stellan to arrive soon, and she is the most popular blog on the block. Check out her story, it is really great reading.
Today is the first Not Me Monday she is starting, where we post all the things we absolutely DID NOT do this week (meaning we did and are ok with it!).
- I DID NOT read blogs and sit here writing my post while my daughter was eating her breakfast with Elmo to keep her company.
- I DID NOT skip doing any housework this weekend, and washing the laundry which we desperately needed clean to do fun things with my family.
- I DID NOT stay on the computer to long reading blogs, facebook, etc. instead of doing something productive with myself and resting.
- I DID NOT roll out of bed and not make myself presentable before I drove my kids to school - not thinking about what had happened had I had to get out of my car.
- I DID NOT eat delicious little brownie bites, and not share them with the kids!
- I DID NOT think about all I went through this year fighting Leukemia and think why me?
I am sure I have many more Not Me's this past week, I will have to think about it and update it and not doubt I will be doing that while I should be doing other much needed things, lol.
Check out MckMama's blog and there are Mr. Linky's to a ton of other hysterical Not Me's.